Charges pile up against alleged attacker who drugged his victims

Charges are piling up against Samuel Moderie, accused of drugging and sexually assaulting women he met on online dating sites.

The 28-year-old man was arrested on February 1 for the crimes, which were allegedly committed between July 2022 and January 2023. He was charged with 13 counts, including sexual assault, administration of a noxious substance and theft.

The acts alleged at this time concerned five women, but already, the investigators suspected that he could have made other victims.

According to the police, Moderie came into contact with his victims through dating sites like Badoo and Jalf. He would have gone to his victims and administered a drug to them without their knowledge. Once the women were unconscious, he allegedly sexually assaulted them and stole property, in addition to taking pictures of them. The events would have happened in Montreal, McMasterville and Saint-Jérôme between 2021 and 2023.

On Friday, 20 additional charges were filed against the man, for a total of 33. The number of alleged victims has at the same time increased from 5 to 12.

During this brief appearance, the man, who is currently detained, addressed his lawyer in a very polite way, showing no signs of stress in the face of the new and multiple charges.

His case will again be called before a judge on March 1.

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