chaos on the Bordeaux-Toulouse line after a transformer fire



Video length: 1 min

New Year 2024: chaos on the Bordeaux-Toulouse line after a transformer fire

New Year 2024: chaos on the Bordeaux-Toulouse line after the fire in a transformer – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M. Juste, E. Coorevits, A. Brignoli, U. Cailloux, E. Noël, France 3 Midi Pyrénées

France Televisions

The fire in an electrical transformer in Lot-et-Garonne caused cascading disruptions on the Bordeaux-Toulouse train line. Traffic gradually resumed in the evening.

They’re going to wake up, but not quite where they thought. At Toulouse station (Haute-Garonne), Sunday December 31, a traveler’s train is two hours late, and the party seems compromised. “I wanted to go to the Champ-de-Mars, but I think it’s over for the fireworks“, he smiles. Others have been more forward-looking. If they fail to arrive before midnight, they will celebrate the new year on the train. “We had even anticipated that there might be a delay, so we have the foie gras in our suitcase”confides a woman.

Fire in an electrical transformer

The cause of these multiple delays was the fire in an electrical transformer in the morning between Bordeaux (Gironde) and Toulouse, in the town of Colayrac-Saint-Cricq (Lot-et-Garonne). Stuck on the train for more than five hours, a traveler puts things into perspective: his wife was in London (United Kingdom) the day before. “She came home at one in the morning to take the train again this morning, all to spend five hours stopped at a station”, he explains. After the intervention of the firefighters, train traffic gradually resumed in the evening.

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