Chantal Machabée puts an end to a rumor on the vaccination status of Carey Price

Arrested Monday on Twitter, the new vice-president of communications of the Montreal Canadiens, Chantal Machabée, put an end to a rumor surrounding the vaccination status of Carey Price. The former RDS journalist denied comments that the star goalkeeper was not vaccinated against COVID-19.

“Carey Price is vaccinated like all CH players! Please stop spreading this false rumor!! “, she wrote, in response to a user. Citing recent statements by Carey Price’s wife on Instagram regarding freedom of choice over the vaccine, the latter sought to find out if the 34-year-old’s vaccination status was a factor that could explain his prolonged absence.

“There is nothing vague! He has a knee injury, a very slow wound to heal and he is vaccinated! “, replied to another Internet user Chantal Machabée, who seems determined to put an end to the doubt.

Bored by a knee injury for several months, Carey Price has not played a single game since July 7th. After being operated on at the end of July, his recovery was estimated at 10 to 12 weeks. Later, in October, the former general manager of the Canadian Marc Bergevin announced that the goalkeeper had to be absent for a period of at least 30 days in order to recover his mental health. Carey Price then submitted to the NHL Player Assistance Program due to substance abuse.

As part of a press conference given on Sunday evening, the goalkeeper reiterated his desire to return to the game this season, specifying however that it was still too early to decide on his future.

The Canadian also announced last month that Price had to start his rehabilitation from scratch due to the club’s recent shutdown caused by COVID-19.

With The Canadian Press

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