Chantal Ladesou married for 47 years to Michel Ansault, she reveals in “50′ Inside” how her husband manages to “surprise her” and “satisfy” her desires

What make you dizzy! Indeed, as surprising as it may seem, Chantal Ladesou has been married to the man of her life for 47 years: Michel Ansault. “Surprising” because it is now rare, at present, to observe so many longevities in a couple. But how the ex-investigator of “Mask Singer” and his manager manage to keep this spark despite so many years shared? The answer, the couple gave it in a report from “50’Inside” broadcast this Saturday, April 1 on TF1.

It is at the bend of a market in western Paris that the duo appears in front of the camera of the teams of TF1. The voice-over specifies that it is a ritual taking place “every Saturday morning”. “It’s not appetizing but it’s very good”, explains Chantal Ladesou to the camera when she points to black radishes on a stall. Strolling in the market, a moment that the actress appreciates when she is in the company of her other half.

See also: Florent Pagny with cancer: Chantal Ladesou’s statement in “Mask Singer” which shocks his fans!

Chantal Ladesou married for 47 years to Michel Ansault, her “secret” revealed

“As we are very old here, we stay with the old ones because they have always given us satisfaction. And they are super friendly and everything is going well. They have very good products”, explains Michel Ansault, very happy to be able to share this moment with the woman of his life. In addition to this moment together, the couple likes to share this ritual with the market gardeners. Because here, “everyone knows this couple who have lived in this district of western Paris for more than 20 years” remember “50’Inside”.

“47 years of marriage on the clock for these two and perhaps the recipe for happiness”adds the voiceover, immediately “cut” by Chantal Ladesou indicating how Michel Ansault manages to surprise her: “He makes me little meals. He puts a little bit of honey, where you wouldn’t put any honey at all”. “Grapes, a date,…”, “It’s to satisfy Chantal’s salty sweetness…” his companion then ironically cuts her off. The former investigator “Mask Singer”concludes and explains that there is “always something amazing” with her husband. “He’s an amazing man, that’s why I’ve been with him for so long because he still amazes me” she rejoices before however warning: “Here is the day when he will no longer surprise me…” But that day doesn’t seem to be coming soon.


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