Chantal Ladesou “dead”: rare secrets about this accident which could have changed her life!

Broadcast every evening on Canal +, the program As an aside is a place where celebrities like to come and talk about their joys, their sorrows, some even talking about difficult times in their private lives or their childhood. But when the guest is Chantal Ladesou, the confidences are rather… hilarious ! Received this Thursday evening, the 74-year-old comedian notably recounted the day when everyone was surprised to see her come out unscathed after falling into a huge hole.

While the journalist wanted start the subject of her clumsiness by saying that she is walking “nose in the wind and she sometimes misses”a step, a sidewalk“, Chantal Ladesou confirmed, going even further: I died by the way“, she claimed, astonishing his interlocutor who asked him for details. “I fell into a huge cement hole. Two stairs like this“, she recalled, with her usual naturalness. “And they thought I was dead and in fact I wasn’t. And I think, so many wonderful things are happening to me that maybe I’m dead“, concluded the one that we find this evening in The secret box on France 3, before claiming to be out of its fall “without a bruise, nothing at all“.

A story that Michel Ansault’s wife had not yet told, but which should please her fans, who are always there and who are already flocking to the theater to see her in her play. 1983. A play in which her husband is also taking part, for the first time, he who often plays the role of manager and who supports her in all her projects… even Mask Singer: to surprise her, he had indeed participated in the program disguised as a cone, without her recognizing him!

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