ChantaL Ladesou as a school principal in the “Sam” series on TF1

Chantal Ladesou will always amaze us …

Chantal Ladesou

The actress with the voice recognizable among all and revealed by the emission of Fabrice “the class” on FR3 at the time, turns for the cinema, the TV, leaves on the roads of France on tour with a play and his one man show “On the road again”

All the dates for these 2 shows are on Chantal Ladesou’s Facebook

Chantal Ladesou: hoarse voice, surprising, blundering and charming
Chantal Ladesou: hoarse voice, surprising, blundering and charming © Radio France
Chantal Ladesou and Brown Sugar

Tonight, we find her in a role far from the usual comedies, in the SAM series on TF1. She plays the role of a very authoritarian school principal … A role she adored playing!

the SAM series on TF1
the SAM series on TF1

She joined Natacha Lindinger and Fred testot in the credits of this series which has started its 6th season, and which welcomes many guests this year: Thierry Neuvic, Francis Perrin, Barbara Cabrita …

Natacha Lindinger is "sat" on TF1
Natacha Lindinger is “Sam” on TF1
Gilles Gustine / TF1

The pitch:

Eight months after his “failed marriage” with Antoine and his resignation from National Education, Sam is starting from scratch in this new season. Exit Franconville and head for the small rural village of Saint-Paul-Le-Truchon

Propelled into a school out of contract, Sam must face a direction stuck in its principles of another time. How far will she dare to go to win? Where usually Sam was the pillar, the queen at the heart of his court … In this new place, she is the guest, the outsider. And she will no longer control anything, especially since she cannot count on the support of Xavier, who has to face a major shock which radically explodes his life ….

chantal ladesou
chantal ladesou
brown sugar

source site-36