Chantal Goya and cosmetic surgery: she answers without taboo!

She has been singing for the little ones, the little ones who have grown up and all the big children on the planet since the beginning of her career. Finally, the one who always looks so young… it’s Chantal Goya! Time doesn’t seem to affect her happy heart, her cute lyrics, or even her appearance. In the show 50′ insidethe 79-year-old singer revealed the secret of this eternal beauty, which she obtains without the slightest help from cosmetic surgeons.

Face, I didn’t do anything!

You still have to know that I don’t drink, I don’t smoke and I sleep very very well.she explained to Nikos Aliagas, on TF1 on April 2, 2022. I think it’s still a good secret, something that is rooted in me. Face, I did nothing. Sometimes I’m like, ‘I might be able to fix something, but what are they going to do to me? I will not find myself again. So we don’t. Finally, it’s a joy of living that I have in me, a good mood, something very positive that must be seen on me.”

Married to Jean-Jacques Debout since 1966, mother of two children born of this relationship – Jean-Paul, born in 1966 and Clarisse, born in 1968 -, Chantal Goya seems to appreciate the fact that nothing changes. May life be a long calm river, which it illuminates with its light nursery rhymes. If her face has never really changed, the lynx eyes also know that her hairstyle has remained the same since the 1960s without a lock moving an inch. “I don’t see myself with very short hair, I don’t see myself with my hair back, she assured Pure people. I don’t see myself with messy hair because it wouldn’t suit me. Me, when I go to the hairdresser, I tell them: ‘Listen, I noticed that today, all the girls are disheveled, that they have curls… it’s no longer done. And me, you will make me very straight, very smooth, the opposite of everyone else !” If there is one person she will never ask A rabbit… it’s the man who takes care of his hair!

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