Channel activists want a calm discussion

While the debate takes place this Wednesday evening at 9 p.m., what do the activists of the department think?

A serene debate awaited by activists

Whether for the activists of Marine Le Pen or Emmanuel Macron, the main expectation of this debate is serenity.

“Marine Le Pen may have been aggressive in the past, but she has changed, and tonight she will be able to present her program and her ideas calmly”explains Nicolas Adeline, activist for the National Rally in Cherbourg.

“Above all, we want a calm debate with precise arguments, without tension”adds Sylvain Chemin, activist for La République en Marche in Cherbourg.

“Marine Le Pen has a lot of strengths.”

In 2017, the televised debate was followed by around 16.5 million viewers, and Marine Le Pen’s performance was criticized because the candidate seemed unprepared, but this year, it’s different, assure her activists.

“Certainly, in 2017, she made mistakes, now she is rested and she will be the best. Marine Le Pen has many strengths in her program: purchasing power, local consumption, pensions,“says Nicolas Adeline.

“Emmanuel Macron will defend a good record.”

For Emmanuel Macron, it is his five-year record that will be closely scrutinized, but do not panic for his activists.

“It could be destabilizing for him, but on the contrary, it’s his strong point. Emmanuel Macron will defend a good record”supports Sylvain Chemin.

“He is capable of facing crises like the covid crisis or the war in Ukraine. He has the experience, he has the authority and he knows how to follow through with his ideas. He is also prepared and tonight, he will be ready”concluded Sylvain Chemin.

This evening, the debate will be broadcast at 9 p.m. on France 2, TF1, LCI and France Info.

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