Changing of the guard at the Librairie du Québec in Paris

The only French-language bookshop entirely devoted to Quebec publishing, the Librairie du Québec in Paris, has just been bought by Robert Cotton and Yan Rioux. This change of guard should allow the establishment to continue, or even increase its “promotion of Quebec authors in France”, indicates Mr. Rioux, who has also been director of the bookstore since 2020.

The Librairie du Québec in Paris, whose stock amounts to more than 6,000 Quebec books, was founded in 1995. Mr. Rioux has worked there since 1999. accounting”, he says, laughing, at the To have to. Mr. Cotton worked in the bookstore’s distribution business. The two men have more than 40 years of experience within the company.

Since 2000, the establishment has been owned by Groupe HMH, a major Quebec book distributor.

The bookstore located near the Latin Quarter will continue its activities in this area. Especially since it represents some sixty Quebec publishing houses in France and Europe. “It is certain that becoming an owner will allow me to be in more direct contact with publishers and donors, which will help me to continue this important activity for the company”, explains Mr. Rioux.

The new owner believes that the place is an increasingly important “home base” for Quebec literature on the Old Continent, since it also represents authors at fairs and hosts numerous European launches. books from here.

“There is a real desire of the French to discover Quebec literature,” said Mr. Rioux. “The French like the Quebec language, which may seem freer to them, and whose influences are not the same. Quebecers also treat certain themes differently, such as feminism, for example, which is very fashionable at the moment. »

Yan Rioux says he has seen Quebec literature “greatly evolve” since he worked at the bookstore.

“In the early 2000s, the French came to see me to learn about Aboriginal people, and I almost only had books by Louis Hamelin that talked about it, but today, these themes are discussed a lot. […] Poetry is also very present in the Quebec landscape, while it remains a niche market in France. Our customers are very loyal and curious. »

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