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The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, has decided to simplify the rules to fight against Covid-19. How are the conditions of isolation evolving, as of Monday, January 3?
Faced with the Omicron variant, three times more contagious but not necessarily more dangerous, the government is changing its strategy and changing the isolation rules, as of Monday, January 3. For a positive person with a complete vaccination schedule, it will be necessary to isolate themselves for seven days, and it will be possible to return to work after five days, if one becomes negative again. On the other hand, for people who are not vaccinated or who do not have all their doses, it will be necessary to respect an isolation of ten days, or seven if a negative test is provided.
Vaccinated people and contact cases will no longer need to isolate themselves. It will be necessary to be tested the same day, then to D + 2 and on D + 4. For contact cases unvaccinated, the isolation will last seven days. According to specialists, the latest contamination figures required these reductions. “More than 200,000 people infected every day, that’s about a million a week, (…) France very quickly would have found itself indirectly in a state of confinement “, explains Professor Philippe Amouyel, epidemiologist and professor of public health at Lille University Hospital (North).