Change job? A day of employment for successful retraining

Do you want to change jobs? Work life change day. How to succeed in a new job? The sectors of the future? Those who are hiring? Training, funding? With our partners and witnesses of a successful conversion.

6:27 am – Aurélien Dore, lawyer becomes boilermaker

This international business lawyer has chosen to retrain in naval boilermaking at AFPA in Marseille La Treille. Happy to leave the offices to concretely touch the subject. Shipbuilding and repair are booming in Marseille.

Aurélien Dore and Fabrice Marion © Radio France
Fabrice Marion

7:28 am – Sylvain Viannez, Managing Director of Transitions Pro PACA which finances life changes.

Transition Pro Paca is boosting its budget to promote, by the end of 2021, the reconversion of assets. In total, Transition Pro Paca’s annual budget is 30 million to support retraining.

Sylvain Viannez and Fabrice Marion
Sylvain Viannez and Fabrice Marion

8:27 am – Lugdivine Chassain creates her company in security

This former Afpa intern followed a Professional Trainer training funded by Transition Pro. Since then, she has created her company in her former sector of activity: private security

Lugdivine Chassain and Fabrice Marion
Lugdivine Chassain and Fabrice Marion © Radio France

9:27 am – Julia Rivière, specialist in industry trades at Afpa

The head of training at Afpa in Marseille, Julia Rivière presents the training courses that allow a successful retraining: web, welders, naval boilermaker, personal service, IT. Some training is carried out in part thanks to virtual reality.

Julia Rivière and Fabrice Marion
Julia Rivière and Fabrice Marion © Radio France

10:27 am – Myriam Colombari Manager of the company team at the Pôle Emploi Martigues agency

The industry expert, particularly in the highly industrial area of ​​the Etang de Berre, Myriam Colombari discusses the financing of retraining for job seekers who can thus change their professional orientation to find a job. The industrial sector offers real employment opportunities after sometimes short training courses.

Myriam Colombari and Fabrice Marion
Myriam Colombari and Fabrice Marion

4:20 p.m. – Mamadou Dia has reconverted as the creator of an import export company

Mamadou Dia and Fabrice MARION
Mamadou Dia and Fabrice MARION © Radio France

After a professional career rich in experience, in particular as a security agent at OM and in personal services, this Marseillais followed an Afpa training as a Senior Air and Maritime Transport Technician at Afpa. A successful professional title at Afpa, he created an import-export company to Africa. He is now his own boss. He uses his past experiences on a daily basis to manage his business as well as possible.

4:27 p.m. – François Pintus, boilermaker trainer at Afpa

The expert trainer of the Marseille-La-Treille Afpa, François Pintus presents his job and the great opportunities for retraining. It offers training as a naval boilermaker. “It’s a job that makes people dream and travel. It’s a sector that greatly attracts people in retraining who wish to familiarize themselves with metal. There is a real desire to return to manual work.”

François PIntus and Fabrice Marion
François PIntus and Fabrice Marion © Radio France

5:27 p.m. – Frédéric Pache Head of Apec in Marseille.

The Association for the Employment of Executives (APEC) provides advice on professional development. As such, Apec supports the success of professional retraining for managers and sometimes also advises to wait for the right moment to change their life.

Frédéric Pache and Fabrice Marion
Frédéric Pache and Fabrice Marion © Radio France

Benoît Hercé from the AEF info group, organizer of the retraining day.

The events manager for the AEF Info group, presents the national day for professional retraining of Tuesday, November 9, 2021. This employment day is organized in partnership with the AEF, France Bleu Provence and Afpa to provide information on retraining.

Christophe Schuller director of Afpa in Marseille

Mr. Schuller presents the Afpa centers of the Marseillaise Metropolis. He evokes the real opportunities for professional retraining that can be achieved at Afpa.

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