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The soap opera of the fiasco of the management of the Champions League final, Saturday May 28, continues. A new Council of Ministers has just ended on Wednesday 1st June. The journalist Katherine Itching is live from the Élysée Palace, and she explains that Gérald Darmanin would have been cropped by Emmanuel Macron.
A new Council of Ministers was held on Wednesday 1st June. The journalist Katherine Itchinglive from the Élysée Palace, explains that the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmaninwould have been cropped by Emmanuel Macron, following the fiasco of the management of the final of the Champions League, Saturday, May 28. He would have blamed her, “behind the scenes”, “to put all the responsibility for the fiasco on the backs of the British supporters, and not to assume part of these incidents”says Catherine Itching.
Government spokeswoman Olivia Grégoire admitted authorities could have done better. “In any caseit is a new thorn in the side of the executive. Gérald Darmanin and the Minister of Sports will have to explain themselves [dans l’après-midi du 1er juin]. Senate Law Committee chairman wants to ‘get the truth about the number of counterfeit bills'”concludes the journalist.