Remember this name well. His name is Louis Bielle-Biarrey, he is 18 years old. And while some pro players go through a career without playing a single European Cup match, he scored three tries for his baptism of fire in the Champions Cup. In a line of three-quarters which was enjoyed, the young rear did nothing extraordinary but he knew how to be there in the right place and in the right timing.
– Justine Hamon
First in support of Santiago Cordero to spin between the poles. Then to acrobatically recover a pass from Matthieu Jalibert. Finally to acrobatically recover a pass from Matthieu Jalibert. Elected man of the match, Louis Bielle-Biarrey had to answer live in front of television cameras. Undoubtedly for him the most difficult moment of a meeting where we felt very comfortable.
He is a boy who has talent, who works and who is not afraid of anything – Christophe Urios
Arrived this summer from Grenoble, the kid was not supposed to play this season. ” To protect him explained Christophe Urios. But the circumstances and in particular the absence for four months of Romain Buros, precipitated his promotion. “He is a boy who has talent, who works and who is not afraid of anything. When we started him, I knew I was taking zero risk“ sums up the manager.
Because Louis Bielle-Biarrey does not appear out of nowhere. Outclassed in all age categories, he started on the wing with the France under-20 team during the last 6 Nations Tournament. His manager speaks squarely of a ” phenomenon “. A diamond that will have to be polished and put to the test in tougher matches than Sunday’s. But at 18, Louis Bielle-Biarrey already masters many of the parameters of a position of responsibility. A talent which the Union would be wrong to deprive itself of.
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