champion Céline crashed production at the last minute!

It marked the year of 12 shots of noon. But unfortunately for her, Céline will not be at the party this Sunday, December 24, 2023. At the last minute, the greatest female champion of the 12 coups de midi had to cancel her appearance at the 12 shots of Christmas, due to a virus that she contracted a few hours before filming, and which prevented her from honoring her commitment. In the end, the production had to call on Ericthe second greatest champion in the game, who shouldn’t have been in the game in the first place. It’s a 100% male team who will face each other since Éric will be opposed to Bruno Hourcade, the greatest champion in the history of the game, Paul El Kharrat, Bruno Tuchszer, and Emilienthe current champion who is approaching the hundredth victory, and which culminates in nearly €420,000 in winnings and gifts.

Indeed, as our colleagues at Tele-LeisureCéline contracted a virus just before filming, which forced her to remain bedridden for a few days… Arrival in The 12 strokes of noon on March 14, she remained on the show for 125 consecutive days, and was eliminated on July 24 after €489,495 in cumulative winnings and gifts. She is the record holder of the game, ahead Speedwell (100 participations and €447,226) and Lucia (73 participations and €380,670). On the menu for this Christmas bonus, only two personalities will accompany the five midday masters: comedian Jeff Panacloc, currently promoting his film In pursuit of Jean-Marcand the singer and comedian Camille Lellouche, who will soon be found in the casting of Dream Team: The Next Generation of Starsthe new TV show for children from TF1.

Audience card every New Year’s Eve

Every year, The 12 shots of Christmas allows TF1 and Jean-Luc Reichmann to rise well to the top of the audiences: on December 24, 2022, the prime, which had crowned Eric, had won over 2.95 million viewers for 23% of the public, and 30% of housewives. The scores for 15/34 year olds and 25/34 year olds were even better, with 38% for the former and 41% for the latter. An audience which remains rather stable from year to year, since in 2021 for example, the format attracted 3.22 million fans for 30% of housewives and 39% of 15/34 year olds. Will Emilien succeed in winning? facing the two Brunos and the reigning champion Eric? Nothing is less sure !

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