It is a selection of high quality products that have become for some the essentials of Christmas
The Champagne region
Champagne really is king when Christmas and New Years arrive. Being able to get supplies from a harvesting producer is a guarantee of quality at an affordable price. Vergeat champagnes are there, and Sabrine Vergeat knows everything about production. From the bottle of Brut Réserve at € 15 to the old vines champagne at € 27, including rosé champagne at € 17, enough to taste quality champagnes in moderation.
– Annick Bonhomme
The Quebec terroir
Like the swallow that returns in spring, Gaétan Lefebvre returns every year to the Christmas market in Amiens to warm up our winter with its maple syrup and its banter with an accent that always capsizes us, us French cousins. Producer, processor and salesman, he has all the hats and talks about his product with as much passion as ever. Let yourself be tempted by ice taffy, maple syrup, maple butter and other equally delicious pleasures
To discover the products of the Erablière Lefebvre et Fils
The Picardy terroir
After having worked as a pastry baker, after having traveled the world, Charles Duquenne became a beekeeper and today invites us to discover the Amiens nougat. A nougat made with its honey produced on the Grand Amiens, with almonds selected and roasted as he likes. A tender and generous nougat. And if you like gingerbread, you will be just as thrilled by its recipe of great tenderness.