“Champagne!”, a comedy about the meaning of friendship



France 3

Article written by

M.Collet, M.Le Meur, R.Doumergue – France 3

France Televisions

The movie “Champagne!” will hit theaters on Wednesday, June 8. This comedy recounts the reunion of fifty-something friends that does not go as planned.

Champagne!in theaters Wednesday, June 8, it is above all a story of friends: fifties, lifelong friends, meet for the bachelor party of the only bachelor of the band, the time of a weekend in their friend’s winery. “Champagne is sharing. We cannot imagine drinking champagne alone. There is something that works well between this story of friendship, friendship is sharing, and champagne”explains the director of the film, Nicolas Vanier.

This comedy questions us about the meaning of friendship. “They have taken on the habits of a group, of friendship, of memories which means that they find themselves in their fifties and they say to themselves ‘do we still have something to say to each other?’, in fact”, says actor François-Xavier Demaison. The film also proclaims the right to indifference. It is a couple of women who are at the head of the Champagne estate where the group of friends meet. A light comedy where tensions resurface, between shouting matches and reconciliations.

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