challenged to climb the Eiffel Tower


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

A.Chopin, J.Ricco, France 3 Regions, X.Roman, M.Le Rue – France 2

France Televisions

From the Ehpad to the Eiffel Tower, it seems that there is only one step! Seniors challenged themselves to climb the steps of the famous monument. The France Télévisions teams followed their exploit.

All are between 84 and 99 years old and climb the Eiffel Tower. In all, they had to climb the 327 steps while holding on to the banister to give themselves courage. So halfway through, some are already giving their feelings. “It’s okay, I’m not up there yet”, smiles Geneviève, 99 years old. To achieve this feat, they trained for weeks with discipline. All of them did leg warm-ups, stretching exercises and even weekly rehearsals on the stairs of the nursing home.

Only 30 minutes to get to the first floor

“You breathe calmly with a smile and you are already thinking a little about the Eiffel Tower”, advises their coach of the day. So, by climbing the 50 steps of the establishment and by dint of perseverance, the training paid off. Rose is the first to reach the first floor of the Eiffel Tower in just thirty minutes. “I’m happy to be here”, she comments. Geneviève, the oldest, took only ten minutes longer than Rose. She arrives last, but for her the most important thing is to have achieved this feat.

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