Isabelle Lafortune made an impression in 2019 with her first novel Far North Terminal, a thriller taking place in Schefferville. She publishes the sequel with ice chaina continuation of the story quite successful and very current.
We will end up getting attached to the investigator Émile Morin and his friend, the writer Giovanni Celani! In multi-volume novels, the attachment to the characters is obviously central. This is the case with Isabelle Lafortune’s second opus. Otherwise, ice chain is less anecdotal than Far North Terminal. We went from an investigation into the death of two Aboriginals to a reflection on industrial espionage, the sale of our mineral resources at a discount and the fight against global warming. The three being linked by the challenge of inventing a more sustainable battery – in every sense of the word – to accelerate, and in part control, the development of the electric car.
With ice chain, reality has joined fiction, since it is about a Chinese national, Hydro-Québec and espionage! We also come across the world of visual arts, that of blockchains and strained relations with several Asian dictatorships.
This novel is good. It recounts our time, sends back to us the image of a humanity with often toxic international connections. “Humans exhaust me”, writes Isabelle Lafortune, at the beginning of the book. A sentence and a novel that sheds light on our news.

ice chain
Isabelle Lafortune
456 pages