CF Montreal | Ismaël Koné confirms Norwich interest

Ismaël Koné still had his morning eyes when he appeared in front of the media at Center Nutrilait before training at CF Montreal on Thursday. The questions addressed to him did not take long to complete his awakening process.

Posted at 11:42
Updated at 2:48 p.m.

Jean-Francois Teotonio

Jean-Francois Teotonio
The Press

How did you deal with the rumors of a potential transfer to Norwich a few weeks ago, Ishmael?

“It’s normal in the world of football, he answers easily. As soon as there are rumours, it starts all of a sudden. I expected it when the news came out. But I don’t bother with that. »

Thus, Koné confirms what was initially rumored by the personality Fabrizio Romano on Twitter: there has indeed been interest in him by this English second division club.

“They came knocking on the door, illustrates the Montreal midfielder. They made a concrete offer. They came to look at me. It was a club that was interested. We did not agree on the business, but I don’t have a problem. I will always be grateful to Norwich because it is my only offer from a European club professionally. It’s something big for me, even if it’s just an offer. It went well and ended. »

Ismaël Koné still speaks of the Canary Islands as an “objective”. Although he believes that “for now, [il est] well in Montreal”, not wanting to project too much into the future.

“I don’t think about when I’m going there, where I’m going to be, who I’m going to play with. I focus on me, on what I can do to become the best player I can be. Each day. To help my team. »

The career of the 20-year-old athlete is just beginning. He made his professional debut last February. Then was hastily recalled to the Canadian team. A rapid ascent, which is reminiscent of that of Ballou Jean-Yves Tabla.

Koné points out that “these are different situations”, but that he still discussed it with certain people.

“I don’t necessarily think of Ballou when I make my decision. But it is sure that I spoke with people who explained to me the situation and how it happened with him. I only take good things. »

Moreover, Koné says he is “well surrounded” and “so grateful” for the welcome he has received within the club since his debut.

“I’m lucky to arrive in a locker room where everyone took me and saw my flaws. They were able to help me in their own way. And it really helped me grow as a player this year. »

A meeting with the reserves


Joaquin Torres

There is a certain trend at CF Montreal in the last games: if the starting lineup is still very competitive, it gets complicated when you bring in the reserves.

And yet, it was said of the depth of the club at the start of the season that it was one of its main assets. Today, some players play less. Others, less well.

Wilfried Nancy offered lengthy answers on this subject on Thursday.

“That’s why the job is difficult,” he said. […] I was a player. They want to play and when they don’t play, they are deprived of their passion, of what they love to do. So I realized that. 10 days ago, I summoned all the players who weren’t playing a lot. I spoke to them individually. It’s fine to talk to players who play, but I learned that in this business, you have to talk to players who don’t play. And you have to be clear with them. »

He explained to them what they needed to improve, and that they are “extremely important” for the group.

“As long as I have players who are there, it means that I count on them. And if I don’t count on them, I’m going to see Olivier [Renard, le directeur sportif] and I tell them: “Olivier, I no longer need that player”. Because the attitude is not good, or because he is no longer happy here, or because there is a problem. But it hasn’t happened yet. »

Nancy wants to “publicly thank” players who don’t play a lot. He does not name them, but it is believed that he speaks among others of Sunusi Ibrahim, whose last appearance dates from the end of May. From Rida Zouhir, who hasn’t stepped onto the pitch in MLS since March. Even Mathieu Choinière, who is no longer as regularly in the starting line-up as at the start of the year.

Part of their solution comes from “everyday work”. Joaquín Torres, who has also been going through difficult times since his good period in May, agrees.

“The only way [de m’améliorer] it is to redouble your ardor in training, he communicates through an interpreter. That’s what I do. I work twice as hard, at 110%. »

“The goal is to continue to grow and reach the next level,” he adds when his tattoo of the Pokémon Charmander is pointed out to him on his left thigh. No doubt he wants to evolve to eventually become the Charizard of the round ball.

Pantemis or Breza?


Sebastian Breza

Wilfried Nancy had caused the surprise last Wednesday, by trusting Sebastian Breza in net in Columbus, after James Pantemis did very well in July. And now Pantemis was back in front of the Montreal cage at Saputo Stadium last Saturday against Inter Miami.

The question remains open, two days before the game in Houston: which of the two is the starting goalkeeper?

“I like the alternation, answers Nancy. […] At the start of the year, I said that you need a first or a second. And I keep saying it needs to be. But at the moment, in relation to the goalkeeper profile that we have, and the chemistry they have between them, I think that one of the solutions can be to make rotations. »

“Maybe after 7 or 8 games I will change my mind. But for now, we are in it. »

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