

What is it about ?

Earwax is the brownish substance produced by the sebaceous glands located in the external ear canal. Mixed with hair and skin dandruff (dander), it can form small plugs. Fresh earwax is waxy and smooth, but gradually dries up. It sometimes falls naturally from the ear in small, dry, grainy pieces. Normal cleaning of the ear canal may be disturbed by pronounced scaling (eczema) or an abnormal shape of the ear canal. This disturbance is also found in older people in whom earwax thickens quickly.

Earwax has several functions:

  • it has an impermeable action and protects the ear canal from liquids that can enter it;
  • it protects the skin of the ear canal against drying out;
  • it protects against fungi and bacteria;
  • it makes the ear canal more acidic, which repels bacteria;
  • it intercepts certain substances, impurities, foreign bodies and insects.

Everyone has earwax, some people have more than others. It is not known why the volume of earwax varies between individuals.

How to recognize it?

When an earwax plug (almost) completely blocks the external ear canal, you may hear less well on that side (loss of 10 to 30 decibels). You may feel like your ear is blocked, have abnormal hearing sensations (eg ringing), itching and / or dizziness. A hard plug can also be painful. Showers or swimming often make symptoms suddenly worse because the water causes the plug to swell.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will examine the ears with an otoscope. If you have an earwax plug, they will see a brownish lump that completely or partially blocks the ear canal. The ear canal may be red because the earwax plug irritates the area.

What can you do ?

You don’t have to clean your ears. Cotton swabs and earplugs stimulate the production of earwax and push the earwax more and more inward. This is why earwax plugs should only be removed when they impair hearing or prevent examination of the eardrum.

If you easily get earwax plugs, see the GP once or twice a year to have your ears unclogged.

If you still want to clean your ear, limit yourself to the visible part and clean it only with a damp washcloth, for example.

If you wear a hearing aid, be sure to maintain it properly and clean all parts.

What can your pharmacist do?

There are oil-based ear drops. They allow easy removal of earwax plugs. It should be put in the ear 3 to 4 days before the doctor removes the plug. These drops should not be used in the event of perforations in the eardrum or in the presence of drains (diabolos).

What can your doctor do?

If the plug is in the front and loose in the ear canal, the doctor may try to remove it with a curette or special forceps. Usually, it will unblock the ear with water at around 37 ° C. A plug of earwax is sometimes difficult to remove. In this case, it may be necessary to first treat the ear with drops for 3 days. If the earwax plug does not want to come off, you will need to refer you to an otolaryngologist (ENT) who will remove it by suction.

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