Ceremony tribute to Prince Philip: Queen Elizabeth announced, present and absent on the big day

Her death last April, shortly before her 100th birthday, took place in the context of strict anti-Covid restrictions, which had imposed a funeral in small groups, with the symbol of the image of the queen seated alone in the chapel of Windsor. . The latter had largely devoted her traditional Christmas address to her “beloved Philip”. Elizabeth II had confided how much her “mischievous” look and her laughter missed her.

Are expected on Tuesday the members of the British royal family and many foreign crowned heads. But among the announced absentees is Prince Harry who, with his wife Meghan, announced in 2020 to relinquish his leading role within the British royal family. The couple and their two children now live in California.

Prince Andrew will however be present, according to the program of the ceremony. Long described as the favorite son of Elizabeth II, he is keeping a low profile after being accused by the American Virginia Giuffre of having sexually assaulted her in 2001. Threatened with a trial in the United States, the 61-year-old prince is finally reached a confidential agreement with his accuser but his reputation suffered seriously.

As Elizabeth II gradually hands over, her family remains turbulent, like the recent move of Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his wife Kate Middleton to the Caribbean. This tour was supposed to mark the attachment of the monarchy to the former colonies now members of the Commonwealth on the occasion of the 70 years of reign of the queen. It was marked by hostile protests in Belize, criticism of the family’s historical ties to slavery, while Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness said his country’s transition to republican rule was “inevitable”, as the did Barbados last November.

Despite the scandals that regularly shake her family, Elizabeth II remains at the zenith of her popularity. Four days of festivities are planned in June in the United Kingdom to celebrate his 70 years of reign, his “platinum jubilee”.

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