cereal prices up sharply


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

G.De Florival, N.Fleury, B.Girodon, J.Delage, B.Durand, N.Leydier, R.Luques, V.Castel – France 2

France Televisions

The war in Ukraine caused the price of wheat and maize to jump, while the country was no longer able to export its cereals. A French breeder, dependent on this raw material Ukrainiansaid he was worried.

Corn is the most widely grown cereal in the world but with the war in Ukraine, its ears are running out. This worries Eric Dion, a pig farmer in Vienne, who has to feed 190 sows every day. The price of corn increased by 100 euros in one week, reaching a price of 379 euros per tonne on Friday March 4. For Eric Dion, this increase is untenable. He hopes that the price of pork will follow that of cereals.

Ukraine is the world’s fourth largest maize exporter. 35 million tonnes of corn are grown there each year, and the country supplies 45% of the European market. According to specialists, 19 million tonnes of maize are waiting to be exported worldwide, but since the start of the war, trade has come to a standstill in the Black Sea. Other agricultural products, such as wheat or sunflowers, could soon run out and cause prices to rise.

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