Centraide of Greater Montreal: planned giving, to support future generations

Thanks to thousands of generous donors, Centraide of Greater Montreal supports more than 350 community organizations and projects that help the most vulnerable people. In addition to contributing to the annual campaigns, it is possible to support this mission of prime importance by making a planned donation. Shedding light on a form of philanthropy that focuses on sustainability.

A planned gift consists of making a commitment, during one’s lifetime or posthumously, to supporting a cause that corresponds to one’s values. It can take the form of an amount of money, property, securities, a life insurance policy or an endowment fund. This very interesting avenue, which is part of well-articulated financial or estate planning, offers donors the opportunity to make a philanthropic gesture and allows them, depending on the type of donation, to benefit from significant tax advantages, for them. even, for his heirs and sometimes for both. A winning formula, both gratifying and hopeful.

In fact, planned gifts allow charitable organizations to support their activities in the medium and long term, and thus ensure the sustainability of the organization. For the donors, the amplified impact of this planned gesture constitutes an altruistic investment in the future of our society.

Bequeath its values ​​as a legacy
Professor Micheline Labelle has chosen to make a planned donation to Centraide of Greater Montreal. The journey of this committed woman, who led a brilliant career in the Department of Sociology at UQAM, clearly demonstrates that social causes are dear to her, but it is also a personal ordeal that was the triggering factor.

“Having no direct heir following the death of my only son Patrice, I decided to bequeath part of my assets to Centraide of Greater Montreal,” she explains. This bequest will be used to create an endowment fund, the Micheline Labelle-Patrice Robillard Solidarity Fund, to provide long-term support for the success of young people and to break social isolation, two of Centraide’s fields of social action that I chose to press. »

With this bequest, Micheline Labelle wishes to ensure the operation and expansion of Centraide of Greater Montreal, particularly in areas that are close to her heart and that honor the memory of her son. Remember that the organization fights against poverty and social exclusion by acting on several fronts, by supporting the success of young people, by breaking social isolation, by building unifying living environments and by ensuring the essentials, starting through housing, food, clothing and transportation.

For the donor, the planned gift has great value. “It has an emotional impact, in the sense that I ensure the memory of my beloved son. And it has moral and political significance, because I intervene indirectly in the maintenance of various social, academic and political causes. All my life, I have been socially and politically involved, both in the fields of teaching and research that I helped to develop at UQAM and as director of two chairs in immigration and ethnic studies or founder of the International Observatory on Racism and Discrimination, now defunct. »

A gift within everyone’s reach

Thanks to her gesture of solidarity generosity, Ms. Labelle, like all people who have made a planned donation to Centraide of Greater Montreal, contributes to making the greater Montreal community fairer and more equitable for future generations.
Centraide’s mission is to fight poverty and social exclusion in Greater Montreal. Centraide makes social issues visible and gives everyone the means to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable people while building inclusive communities.

This content was produced by Le Devoir’s special publications team in collaboration with the advertiser. Le Devoir’s editorial team had no role in the production of this content.

To learn more about Centraide of Greater Montreal

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