Cendrine Dominguez married: her daughter Léa, who looks so much like her, shares a beautiful photo as a couple

Seeing her daughter, with whom the complicity is beyond doubt, so happy could only contribute to the happiness of Cendrine Dominguez for one of the happiest days of her life: “I said yes to love, to life, to humor, to my husband. I said yes, with my little girls as bridesmaids, Java, India, Marni and with Sienna, June. A Rock and Roll act, getting involved to better share life, getting involved to ensure that the best is yet to come. Be two to live it all, be a blended family” she wrote in the caption of the first photos of the ceremony.

Cendrine Dominguez saw life offer her a second chance after the disappearance of Patrice Dominguez. She does not forget the many years of love lived with the journalist. Each year, his Instagram account is also the scene of moving tributes to Patrice. On April 12, Cendrine Dominguez spoke 7 years after the departure of the journalist: “Thanks for all your messages. The irreplaceable are irreplaceable. Life is full of it for many of us. What I know now is that after love, there is love.“A rebirth that she is ready to live to the end!

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