She lives a discreet but so strong love story. Cendrine Dominguez is currently at the heart of a lovely romance, but she has always refused to say more about her companion. Until now, the identity of the lucky guy had not been revealed, probably out of modesty … except that Monsieur has just made a surprise appearance on the show The great journal of ecoon BFMTV, and that his darling could not help but shout all his admiration on social networks.
So proud of my fiancé
It is now official. The one who makes his soul vibrate is called Jean-Christophe Kerdelhué. President and founder of NW Groupe, he intervened on June 29, 2022 in the program presented by Hedwige Chevrillon. On her Instagram account, Cendrine Dominguez shared some photographs captured on the film set, as well as images taken during a speech, delivered by her man, on which she kisses him in particular full on the mouth. “So proud of my fiancéshe wrote. The one who invents a better world. Who has the audacity to imagine a better life in a world sometimes lacking in hope. A man with panache, daring, courageous, brave. A man with a capital H.“