Cendrine Dominguez as a couple: first photos with her mysterious companion

Just before celebrating the start of the year 2022, Cendrine Dominguez flew away under the Saint-Barthélemy sun. A well-deserved vacation for the 59-year-old producer she shares with a mysterious man. Because yes, Cendrine Dominguez is again in a relationship as she announced last December by declaring to be “in love”. The host, however, wishes to preserve the identity of the one who makes his heart beat, it is therefore with subtlety that she shared a photo of their accomplice duo on Instagram this Monday, January 3, 2022.

In the image, Cendrine Dominguez and her darling appear from afar and from behind, contemplating the horizon that presents itself to them in the middle of a boat trip. “We. Him. Me #The bottom elsewhere far #naviguer #robinson“, legend the pretty brunette, probably on a small cloud. And Internet users rejoiced for her.”VSontent for you that you have found happiness again“,”Si happy for both of you“,”Beautiful duo“, we commented on its publication.

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