Never dispose of electronic objects, batteries or batteries in household waste.
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Garbage collectors were forced to dump burning waste on the road in Dijon, reports France Bleu Bourgogne this Thursday. Part of the load caught fire “because of laptop batteries that exploded when we compacted the garbage bags”, says one of them to France Bleu.
The start of the fire released thick white smoke accompanied by a smell of burnt plastic in the rue de la Liberté, this Thursday evening. The truck crew tried to smother the flames with a shovel, after spreading the waste on the asphalt.
Do not dispose of batteries in household waste
It was finally the firefighters, who intervened quickly, who put an end to the incident without any injuries being to be deplored. This episode reminds us that electronic objects, batteries or cells should not be thrown away with household waste, but in recycling centers, recycling centers or dedicated collection bins in certain shops.