Céline (Koh-Lanta) upset by the death of a loved one: her heartbreaking message…

Tuesday April 5, 2022, TF1 broadcast the sixth issue of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. The evening was marked by the medical abandonment of Jean-Philippe as well as the return and then the elimination of Stéphanie. An episode which, once again, reacted to loyal viewers on social networks. A few hours earlier, an adventurer from this edition shared very bad news… On her Instagram account, she announces the death of a loved one.

It is Celineeliminated during the very first episode of the game. The 41-year-old liberal nurse publishes a screenshot of her portrait filmed by the front page cameras and broadcast in Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. “My heart is crying“, she says. And to put words to her pain: “Our latest adventure. It is not a patient, but a friend, a colleague that I have just lost. My heart has been crying for a few hours. 11 years of care, sharing… I don’t see how i can’t mourn your loss.

Visibly very touched by the loss of this “friend” and “coworker“, Céline wants to pay him a beautiful tribute through his post. “In my eyes a strong, courageous woman, an extraordinary mother. I saw your children evolve, your husband carry youshe wrote. Yes I’m crying, I’m crying for your absence which, in my professional and personal life, is going to be enormous, regrets the adventurer. I will continue every day to work in my profession for you, but not in the same way. Farewell my friend.And to continue:Forever in my heart my patient, my colleague, my friend. My adventures and my fights are for you. Rest in peace, you fought like a lioness.

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