Céline Dion a effectué une visite suprise dans le vestiaire du Canadien de Montréal, lundi à Las Vegas. « Un moment privilégié pour toute l’équipe », raconte la vice-présidente aux communications de l’équipe, Chantal Machabée.
Chantal Machabée a publié sur Instagram mardi une photo d’elle, très souriante, en compagnie de Céline Dion, qui était venue assister au match contre les Golden Knights de Las Vegas. « De la belle visite à notre match à Vegas hier. Merci Céline Dion pour ta grande générosité. Toute l’équipe était très heureuse de te rencontrer, toi et ta famille », a écrit Chantal Machabée sur son compte Instagram.

Céline Dion et Chantal Machabée, dans le vestiaire du Canadien, lundi à Las Vegas
Une photo qui a suscité de très nombreuses réactions. « C’est complètement fou ! J’ai reçu des commentaires des gens du monde entier. C’est très touchant de voir à quel point les fans s’inquiètent pour Céline Dion et sont heureux de voir qu’elle va bien », explique en entrevue téléphonique Chantal Machabée. Céline Dion n’a fait que de très rares apparitions depuis qu’elle a annoncé, en décembre 2022, qu’elle souffrait d’une maladie neurologique. C’est pour cette raison que la photo a réconforté les fans du monde entier.
La chanteuse a créé toute une surprise en visitant le vestiaire des joueurs du CH lundi à Las Vegas, de manière complètement improvisée.
[Céline Dion] was accompanied by her three sons, she spent around forty minutes with us in the locker room, she was in good shape, happy, funny, warm, we had a great time. She met all the players as well as the head coach, Martin St-Louis. She had a good word for everyone.
Chantal Machabée, vice-president of communications of the Montreal Canadiens
“Everyone was impressed, all the players were so happy, even moved, we really experienced something very beautiful and it was reassuring to see Céline like that,” continues Chantal Machabée.
“An extraordinary woman”
It was a person from Celine Dion’s entourage who contacted the CH after the match against the Golden Knights. “I was told: Céline is here at the arena, is it possible to go into the locker room to meet the players? », says Chantal Machabée, still surprised. “I went to see her straight away, and Céline told me: “If you don’t have time, it doesn’t matter! I don’t want to bother you, I don’t want to impose myself!” And I told her that the players would be happy to see her and that it was an honor! »
Chantal Machabée entered the coaches’ office and said to Martin St-Louis: “I’d like you to meet Céline Dion! Martin looked at me and said, “Are you kidding me? Is she really here?” Yes, she’s waiting for you in the locker room! He put on his jacket, adjusted his collar and headed into the locker room! “, says the vice-president of communications with a laugh.

Celine Dion and her three sons
“All the players arrived, we told them: after your shower, you are going to see Celine Dion! Some were still in wetsuits, because they really didn’t want to miss it! We talked with his sons, who were also very happy to be there. Honestly, I felt privileged and so did the whole team to experience a great end to the evening like that! An unforgettable moment. We often say it, but Céline Dion is an extraordinary, simple and affectionate woman.
“And we played very well! The best match against the Stanley Cup champions, we have nothing to be ashamed of,” concludes Chantal Machabée.