Celine Dion suffering from a neurological disease | “We did not expect such a severe diagnosis”

Celine Dion, suffering from a rare neurological disease, will not be back on stage for the moment. His state of health saddens his admirers and collaborators, but also affects several public and political figures, who have expressed their support for him.

The news fell very early Thursday in Quebec. In a video posted on social networks, the singer of Charlemagne, visibly moved, announced that she had Moersh and Woltman syndrome (stiff person syndrome). A neurological disorder affecting one in a million people and causing her the muscle spasms that had forced her to postpone her stage appearances several times in recent years. These spasms “affect [sa] everyday life, on many levels,” she said.

“I always give 100% in my concerts, but right now I’m in no condition to do it,” said Celine Dion in the video, where she seemed to hold back tears several times. The singer admitted to having a hard time talking about what she went through. “I’m sorry it took so long to update you. »

“It is my children who give me the courage and the hope to continue,” she said. But I have to admit it’s an ongoing struggle. She also claims that a medical therapist helps her regain her strength every day.

“Singing is what I’ve done all my life and for me to not be able to do it anymore is unimaginable,” added the 54-year-old singer. Due to her illness, she can no longer use her vocal cords as she wishes. Moersh and Woltman syndrome even affects his ability to walk.

Despite everything, the artist still hopes to get back on stage. “To find you, I have no choice but to focus on my health. And I’m hopeful to be on the right track, ”she concluded, before thanking her admirers for their support.

A return to the stage “when she is ready”

Its shows for next spring have thus been postponed and eight shows scheduled for next summer have been cancelled.

Since the announcement in 2021 of her return to Las Vegas, the singer has not yet been able to present a show at the Resorts World Theater, a hall that was nevertheless tailor-made for her. His residency, which has been postponed many times, has no launch date for the moment.

“When Celine is ready and feels 100% back, we look forward to welcoming her to Resorts World Theatre,” the show’s production company, AEG Presents, and Resorts World said in a joint email. at The Press. Celine’s health is the priority and we will announce new dates when she is ready. »

For admirers of the artist, the fact that the tour is on hold is “subsidiary”, says Line Basbous, member of the Red Heads, an international community of Celine Dion fans. “Nobody falls out of their chair because they knew something was going on and it was far from simple,” she says. “But what shocks us is the content of the announcement. We did not expect such a severe diagnosis. It’s more on that side that we find it difficult. »

This time, the hour is serious and the public of Celine Dion feels it. “We all had the curiosity to go see on Google, to read the symptoms, the possibilities of evolution and it is not very reassuring, says Line Basbous. We hope that she will recover, that she will be able to resume the course of her personal life, above all. »

The fan community seems somewhat resigned that a comeback may never happen. “And we know that if she comes back, it will surely be with another approach and not extremely physical shows, with the same demanding performance as before,” says Line Basbous.

The woman before the singer

Josélito Michaud, former impresario, host and producer, rubbed shoulders with Celine Dion on many occasions. He greeted the “terrible” news of Thursday morning with a measure of appeasement. “At least what she has is now clear,” he said. It’ll save us all that rumor mill, all that hype. »

His illness brings us back to the human being behind the machine, a “very difficult” shock to take, he says. “We always thought that our national, international Céline could not fall. There, we realize that she is just human and that this body, despite all the psychological will to go there, no longer wants. »

It is first to the woman, much more than to the singer, that he sends his thoughts at the moment. “I understand that people are concerned about Céline’s voice, but I’m more concerned about the human being, who may have given everything he had to give. She’s in pain, that woman. »

Josélito Michaud underlines that the successive mourning experienced by Céline Dion, of her husband René Angélil in 2016 then of her mother Thérèse in 2020, added to a fragile physical health. “She’s a woman whose real pain we never felt,” he said. With her, it’s the show must go on [chanson de Queen qu’elle chantait souvent]. »

The communicator has no doubt how difficult the video published by Celine Dion must have been to record. Not only because she revealed her disease to the whole world, but also because she would make thousands of people disappointed. “It’s a real torture for her to cancel because she knows what it means for those who move. Every time she postpones, it’s in hopes of being able to do the shows. »

Mr. Michaud doubts that Celine Dion can return to the stage in 2024, after four years of absence. “But what does this woman still have to prove?” It is the greatest artist of all time, records and statistics in support. In Las Vegas, she did more shows than Elvis and Frank Sinatra. »

A “real omerta”

In mid-November, an unauthorized biography by French journalists Laurence Pieau and Hervé Tropéa set the stage for Celine Dion’s announcement, if not precipitated it.

Dr. Jean Abitbol, ​​one of the singer’s doctors, confided that his patient probably suffered from “globus syndrome”, a psychosomatic reaction that causes spasms and a lump in the throat.

“It’s in the same family” as the stiff person syndrome, according to Mr. Tropéa, co-author of Celine Dion – the real story, seal in California. “It remains neurological, but there is still a psychosomatic part,” he says, citing an intervention by Dr.r Abitbol Thursday on the set of the BFMTV channel.

The journalist established in Hollywood underlines to have been confronted with “a real omerta” around the state of health of the diva. “The more we progressed in the investigation, the more witnesses there were, the more difficult it was. People were afraid to speak. »

According to Mr. Tropéa, Céline Dion lives in seclusion and would only have maintained close ties with two collaborators: her sister Linda Dion and her personal assistant, Sylvie Beauregard.

Even Claudette Dion told biographers that she had no contact with her little sister for the past two years. “We realized that most people were not aware [de la condition de Céline] and no longer had any ties with it, ”says Hervé Tropéa sadly.

The National Assembly with Céline

Thursday, after the announcement, the Quebec political class lined up behind the singer. “We obviously wish Celine Dion a good recovery. He is a huge star, who comes from Charlemagne, in the county of l’Assomption, in my riding. We are so proud of her, we hope she will be able to start her tour again as soon as possible, ”said Prime Minister François Legault in a press scrum at the National Assembly on Thursday.

“It is sure that when we listen to it, we have a twinge in the heart. Céline is Céline,” commented the Minister of Culture, Mathieu Lacombe, a native of Charlemagne.

He “grew up opposite” Celine Dion’s childhood home. The Minister’s mother even attended primary school at the same time as Mrs.me Dion, he revealed. “It’s not pleasant news to hear this morning, but I’m thinking first of all of his family. To see the emotion that there was in her video, we understand that it is not easy for her and her loved ones. »

“Céline is a national monument. We obviously wish him the best of luck,” said Québec solidaire MP Vincent Marissal.

“We hope she will recover. But we are wholeheartedly with her, that’s the main thing,” said PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon. The interim Liberal leader, Marc Tanguay, added that the situation saddens him. “It’s sad, honestly. We will wish him the best of luck and a speedy recovery,” he said.

Artist support

A few other Quebec personalities shared their wishes. “We love you infinite Céline”, commented Charlotte Cardin under the publication announcing her illness. “Poor little cat…. I kiss you hard and send you my best energies for the future. Hoping that you have a good holiday season despite everything, ”wrote Mitsou Gélinas.

Comedian Tranna Wintour left a message of support for the one she often imitates in her numbers: “We are all sending you so much love and positive and healing energy. I can’t imagine the pain of not being able to do what you love, but please know that our love and appreciation goes beyond your talent. We miss you too much! Be kind and gentle to yourself, take all the time you need. We’re not going anywhere. »

“Céline, I am thinking of you and sending you all my love. You are talent personified, and as you heal, your power and presence will once again be felt everywhere,” wrote Italian designer Donatella Versace.

The management of the Rideau Vert has for its part decided to withdraw the video in which the actress Monika Pilon parodies the singer – who apologizes for not being able to go on stage – in her show 2022 Revised and corrected. For this Thursday evening’s performance, a mention will indicate at the opening that the video was recorded before the announcement of Celine’s neurological condition. At the end of the skit, a get well soon message will appear. But as of Friday night’s performance, the video will disappear completely. It will be replaced by another video for subsequent performances.

With Charles Lecavalier and Jean Siag, The Press

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