Celine Dion on the Today Show | “I’m going back on stage”

Guaranteed a return to the stage, Celine Dion discussed in detail the last years of her fight against stiff person syndrome, during an interview granted Tuesday to Hoda Kotb, during the show Today Show. A look back at this revealing interview, while at least two other interviews, including one on TVA, will be broadcast in the coming days.

Even if she has to “crawl”, even if she has to “talk with [ses] hands”, Celine Dion will return to the stage and see her audience again. This is what she said in particular, her voice filled with emotion, during the intimate interview conducted by the co-host of the Today ShowHoda Kotb, on NBC.

“I am Celine Dion, because today my voice will be heard for the first time, not just because I have to, or because I need to. It’s because I want it and I miss it,” she said. “I’m going to get back on stage because I’m ready to do it. And my vocal cords won’t scare me, because I’m going to be ready and I’m going to be able to reach these [hautes] notes! »

For her, there is no question of letting the disease “take control”. “I believe in myself and in my courage,” added the Charlemagne diva, explaining that she hopes to be “smart” enough to know when to stop and rest this time.

I know I have a good team at the moment who will be able to tell me: “No performance tonight”. It’s going to be hard, but it will probably happen.

Celine Dion, in an interview at Today Show

The diva was all honesty and vulnerability in her responses to the host’s questions, explaining in particular that she was afraid that the diagnosis of her illness would mean the end of her career. “I was trying to survive,” Celine Dion told Hoda Kotb. As the symptoms of her illness worsened, she also had to overcome the illness of her husband, René Angélil, who died in 2016.

For a long time, she felt forced to “lie” to hide the ordeals she was going through.

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