Celine Dion looks tired: photo with her twins Nelson and Eddy who have changed a lot!

A fan of corgis, the iconic Spice Girls, Princess Diana and a follower of tea time, Tom Spencer particularly likes to relate the life of the members of the British crown but is never against a short detour across the Atlantic.

Sunday, May 8, Canadians celebrated Mother’s Day and singer Celine Dion did not fail to pose with her clan. The star, whose health is at the heart of the worst rumors, took the pose with a tired look with her three children, René-Charles and the twins Nelson and Eddy.

A few days after appearing on video, to announce bad news to his fans about yet another postponement of the tour Courage World Tour, singer Celine Dion has reappeared on Instagram again. On her account, the 54-year-old Quebec diva posed for Mother’s Day on May 8, 2022. And she didn’t seem in her best shape. Her three sons could be seen by her side.

It is from her house in Las Vegas, where she lives barricaded, that Celine Dion celebrated this day with her children together. In legend, the interpreter of the tubes For you to love me again, If it were enough to love or talk to my father writing : “On this Mother’s Day, I feel very privileged to be able to be with my children, and I have a very special thought for these mothers in Ukraine. [elle a dévoilé un message vidéo en faveur des Ukrainiens, NDLR] and all over the world who have lost their children… And I think of those mothers who constantly worry about the safety of their children… and also those mothers who devote every ounce of their energy just to providing their children the necessities of life. These mothers are truly the bravest and I dedicate this special day to them. We pray that they find comfort for their families, and peace in this world. – Celine xx…

Celine Dion, who suffers from severe muscle spasms revealed by her team in October 2021, strikes a pose looking very tired in this family photo. The diva, a single mother since the death of her husband René Angélil, appears with drawn features without makeup and her eyes a little closed despite a thin smile on her lips which says a lot about her joy at being surrounded by her family. Above all, we note in passing that his discreet twins Nelson and Eddy (11 years old) have changed a lot physically! Both have long, very brown hair that they don’t seem to be in a hurry to cut, but the resemblance ends here since one now displays some curves and glasses when the other, on the contrary, reveals a similar fine face. to that of his famous mother and does not seem to need any visual correction. As for the eldest, René-Charles (21), he continues his transformation into a handsome young man who feels good about his sneakers.

While she is resting at home, there is no doubt that Celine Dion must however be happy to have more time than usual to take care of her children. But his fans are eagerly awaiting his return and the few words off heralds of a return are hard to convince..

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