Celine Dion has a rare neurological disease

Celine Dion announces that she has a rare neurological disease and adds that she will be unable to resume her world tour of shows next February, in Europe.

“I always give myself 100% in my concerts, but currently I am not in a condition to do so,” said the Quebec singer in a video transmitted Thursday morning on social networks.

In this very emotional message (see the video at the top of the article), the Quebec artist points out that this disease, which she says affects approximately one in a million people, is the cause of the muscle spasms that have been plaguing her for a good time.

She claims that this disease, called Moersch-Woltman syndrome (Stiff person syndrome), affects her day-to-day life, especially when she walks and uses her vocal cords. A medical therapist helps her daily by subjecting her to physical training aimed at restoring her strength and endurance.

“It’s my children who give me the courage and the hope to continue,” she said, holding back tears. But I have to admit it’s an ongoing struggle. »

“Singing is what I’ve done all my life and for me to not be able to do it anymore is unimaginable. »

The singer, who turns 55 next March, says she hopes to be on the right track.

She ended her message by thanking the many people who sent her their encouragement.

“I love you so much and I very, very much hope to see you again soon. »

This is not the first time that the indefatigable singer has had to cancel shows for health reasons. In January 2022, she had to give up performing in North America since she was being treated for “severe and persistent muscle spasms”.

The same health issues had also kept her from performing in Las Vegas in October 2021.

To see in video

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