Celine Dion and Jean-Jacques Goldman come out of the silence: an exceptional fact for a unique occasion

The fans are in turmoil. They who are worried about Celine Dion, whose health has continued to deteriorate in recent months, and for Jean-Jacques Goldman, far from the stage but still lurking in the shadows of certain artists in the studios registration, can finally hear from them! This Thursday, September 8, 2022, Paris Match devotes its cover to another myth of the audiovisual universe: Michel Drucker. On September 12, the host of Can’t wait for Sunday will blow out its 80 candles. An important event that did not leave Celine Dion and Jean-Jacques Goldman unmoved.

Requested by the weekly for this very special anniversary, the two artists took turns to speak to pay tribute to the man to whom they almost owe their career. Celine Dion is aware of this. If her mentor has always been her late husband René, the interpreter of pagan prayer is aware that his career would not have been the same without the help of Michel Drucker: “You have known, you have received, helped and loved all that is best in the profession of arts and entertainment. You gave the chance to young beginners, like me, to make themselves known thanks to the enormous power of diffusion and promotion. […] You entered their heart through the small window of the audiovisual, they no longer want, can no longer let you go. May the party continue for a long time.

To these touching words of Celine Dion are therefore added those of Jean-Jacques Goldman, also highlighted by Michel Drucker in his broadcasts. If it was revealed by its title All it takes is a sign released in 1981, the song only took off after it was featured in Champs-Elyseesa program that has become legendary: “It’s as if all of France were watching. For all artists, especially beginners, it was a very important and necessarily stressful moment. […] Michel Drucker has always behaved well with the ‘little ones’ as with the ‘big ones’, he puts you at ease, there is no trap. I think it’s his nature, it’s rare.“Without doubt one of the best gifts the legend of the small screen could hope for on such a beautiful birthday…

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