“Celestine” to train in permaculture, agroecology

“Célestine de retour à la terre” is a traveling training center in permaculture and agroecology. It was created two years ago by Céline Libouban, who lives in Romainville, in Seine-Saint-Denis.

The trainers, numbering about fifteen, work in schoolchildren in the countryside as well as in town. A little reminder of what a schoolboy is: “VShe is a private or public place with an ecological aim, which wants to become more responsible in its practices, which wants to grow its food and use less energy and fewer resources.

The training courses organized by “Célestine” last from 1 to 4 days. Most of them take place in Seine-Saint-Denis and Yonne. The Feÿ castle near Joigny hosted several this year. Ditto for Éric Lenoir’s punk garden and La Haie de Morgon, an experimental and collective agrinatural garden located next door.

The formations are not limited to the Ba-ba of a culture in living soil. They include ethnobotanical and ornithological outings for adults and children, the discovery of forest-gardens or the construction of straw ovens to bake bread.

For Céline Libouban, with these training courses, it is a question of meeting more and more significant expectations. : “I meet a lot of people who ask themselves essential questions. What can I change in my private life, my professional life? How to offer a better future to our children? How to live a little more with dignity?

All these questions have arisen even more strongly with the health crisis. Finally, the phenomenon was further increased last year with the hot weather, the heatwave periods that affect us physically. “

“When human beings are physically affected, consciousnesses are awakened.”

Celine Libouban,

to franceinfo

On the price side, Céline Libouban and the trainers have chosen a flexible formula adapted to each individual’s situation: “We really try to adjust the prices so that more people participate. So we have a free and conscious price system with a benchmark price. This means that people who want, who can pay the benchmark price pay it and others who cannot afford it will pay less. “

Children visiting the market garden city of Romainville, in Seine-Saint-Denis. & Nbsp;  (ISABELLE MORAND / DR / RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE INFO)

On the weekend of November 20 and 21, 2021, “Célestine” is organizing a conference around the Chernobyl gardens at the market garden city of Romainville and a day of strolling and observation in the urban green landscapes and hidden gardens. More info on celestine-formation.fr

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