Celebrate the harvest in Sherbrooke and Laval

This fall, there will be many occasions to celebrate the harvest and to celebrate local wine, which is gaining in quality and diversity from year to year.

Posted at 3:00 p.m.

Eve Dumas

Eve Dumas
The Press

Next weekend and the following, we’re heading to Sherbrooke, where chef Isabelle Charest has concocted a five-course vegetarian menu at Vin Polisson.

This will be paired with wines from Pinard & Filles, Pervenches and La Bauge. Tickets are purchased in advance (approximately $350 for two, which includes food, wine, taxes and tip).

From November 17 to 20, it’s happening in Laval, in the large greenhouse of Vaillancourt farms. Menu extra holds the Tablée des vignerons.

The chefs will prepare dishes to share which will be served at the center of the table and accompanied by wines from Nival, Pinard & Filles, Lieux Communs, Bauge and several other Quebec estates. Tickets for this big tub cost $200 per person, before taxes and tip.

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