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Cédric fights to make the demands of people with disabilities heard, and he regrets that they are so often absent from political debates.
Employment, education, accessibility, mobility: “It’s all to do with disability“says Cédric Saunier, 38, a resident of Marseille. Visually impaired, he has a passion for photography. Cédric has also been involved in community life, in the field of disability.”Disability, when able-bodied people talk about it, there are often a lot of false good ideas. In terms of budgets, in terms of constraints, there is always something that comes first“, he laments.
Cédric accuses the right of confusing old age with disability, and the left, “with his beautiful moralizing ideas“, not to propose many concrete measures. While only one deputy is in a situation of handicap, he says he is in favor of quotas for elected officials. “I would like to see the number of women in politics without the law on parity“, he assures. He also notes “a competition of ideas on immigration“which hides the other themes, including that of disability and confides in feeling close to the new party of Édouard Philippe, Horizons.