Cédric left the profession of mathematics teacher to become a renter of lodgings

The health crisis has prompted many employees to retrain. All week, we give them the floor. Wednesday, place to Cédric Migrenne, who left teaching to embark on tourist rentals, in Carcassonne.

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First in the Paris region, then in the north of France and finally, in his country, in Limoux, in the Aude, Cédric Migrenne was a maths teacher in a professional high school for twenty years. A job he practiced with passion, but with some small reservations: “I come from a family of entrepreneurs, I sometimes felt cramped in this job.”, he breathes.

The spark comes from the creation, in January 2020, of a conventional break for civil servants. The possibility of leaving and receiving unemployment: “It was very important for me because it offered to create a conventional break, which did not exist for us. So I started to find out about the steps. At that time, the Covid arrived. The doubts appeared with the Covid.”

The crisis pushes Cédric Migrenne to do his introspection. A clear conclusion emerges.

“Orienting myself towards the tourism sector, it was really what I wanted.”

Cedric Migrenne

on franceinfo

Cédric saw his Grand parents and other members of his family open lodgings and operate them in the Aude. The maths teacher had already opened lodgings, fifteen years ago, alongside his job. But there, he decides to make it his main occupation. Paradoxically, the Covid did not prevent the development of this new activity. The French stayed in France and rediscovered their heritage. Business has been good.

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