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The Delphine Jubillar case is experiencing a new twist, with the custody of Cédric Jubillar’s companion. Séverine Longhini has been listened to by investigators since the morning of December 15, and her home was searched.
Séverine Longhini is in custody at the gendarmerie in Gaillac (Tarn) for “complicity in the concealment of a corpse”. Before daybreak, Wednesday, December 15, the new companion of Cédric Jubillar was arrested in his home, which was also the subject of a search. Since this summer, the 44-year-old woman has publicly displayed her romantic relationship with Cédric Jubillar, the husband of Delphine Jubillar, who has been missing for a year.
Despite the arrest of Séverine Longhini, her lawyer is confident. “She continues to maintain that for her, Cédric Jubillar is innocent, and that therefore, she obviously denies any involvement of any kind whatsoever in the disappearance of Mrs. Jubillar“, affirms Master Johann Ricci.
The new companion of Cébric Jubillar claims to have met him during an organized fight to find the young missing nurse. “Cédric was not in contact with her when Delphine disappeared (…) He was not seeing her, and what I also know is that for six months, he has been in solitary confinement and has no contact with her“, declares the lawyer of Cédric Jubillar, who is still incarcerated.