They denounce an “intolerable” attack on the presumption of innocence after the referral of their client to court for the murder of his wife Delphine.
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They condemn a “judicial sacrilege”. Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers announced on Friday, November 24, that they would file a complaint with the Superior Council of the Judiciary against the two investigating judges in the case. They denounce an attack “inadmissible” to the presumption of innocence on the part of the two investigating judges, who referred their client to the Tarn assizes for the murder of his wife Delphine, missing since 2020. They had already announced, Wednesday, that they would appeal this referral .
“We come to the end of this instruction with an OMA [ordonnance de mise en accusation] which is an intolerable violation of the rule of law.”, declared Friday Alexandre Martin, one of Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers. The two magistrates “dared to write, page 48 of this order, that Cédric Jubillar was the author of the murder of his wife. Black and white. This is the first time, in my 32-year career, (… ) that investigating magistrates thus upset the balance of democratic justice”, he added. The two investigating judges “bafouent” the presumption of innocence “in a unique way because it is official and written”commented Emmanuelle Franck, also lawyer for Cédric Jubillar.
For Alexandre Martin, “this procedure is flawed from the start”. He pointed to the prosecutor’s press conference on June 18, 2021. According to him, the magistrate “had presented to the whole of France Mr. Jubillar as the culprit of the murder of his partner Delphine”. And to remind: “Throughout the investigation, we denounced an incriminating investigation with the desire of the two investigating judges to look only in one direction, to demonstrate the guilt of Cédric Jubillar.”