Cédric Jubillar soon released? The Court of Cassation has delivered its final verdict

Another blow for Cédric Jubillar. The man imprisoned since June 2021 in Toulouse-Seysses prison for “spousal homicide” saw his umpteenth request for release rejected by the Court of Cassation (this request has already been rejected several times in the past by the Court call). The Court of Cassation thus confirmed this Friday, September 30, 2022 the continued detention of the painter-plasterer, suspected of the murder of his wife Delphine Jubillar, who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in Cagnac-Les-Mines.

After examining both the admissibility of the appeal and the procedural documents, the Court of Cassation finds that there is, in this case, no means of such a nature as to allow the appeal to be admitted. Consequently, the Court declares the appeal not allowed.“, he was declared. On July 4, the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal also considered that the father of Louis and Elyah should remain in prison. Thus according to Free lunchthis decision “came to confirm the order of the judge of freedoms and detention (JLD), which had extended in June by six months his pre-trial detention“.

Bad news for the lawyers of Séverine’s former companion, who believe that their client’s file is “empty“and that he is innocent. For their part, the investigators claim to be in possession”serious and concordant clues“incriminating him in the murder of his wife. Anyway, justice has now decided and “no questioning of this decision is now possible since this declaration that the Court of Cassation has just made.”

Questioned by a psychiatrist shortly after his detention, it was said that Cédric Jubillar would be endowed with a “normal intelligence“and able to”constantly adapt to your interlocutor“. If he knows how to show himself”angry“, he is also able to be “quickly seductive” according to the doctor. Besides, he would not let see “no feeling of guilt”, “denies having been able to attempt the life of his wife and does not understand why he is implicated“.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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