Cédric Jubillar remains in prison, white march in tribute to Emma and fuel prices still high


France 3

Article written by

T. Cuny, France 3 Regions, C. Gindre – France 3

France Televisions

To Clesse (Saône-et-Loire), a white march took place to pay tribute to Emma. Cedric Jubillar stay in jail. The price of diesel rises above 2 euros per litre.

Monday, June 13, 800 people came mobilized to pay a last tribute to Emma, ​​who was murdered on Thursday June 9 in Clesse (Saone-et-Loire). The 14-year-old girl was killed by her boyfriend of the same age. He is now in prison.

Cedric Jubillarthe Toulouse accused of murdering his wife Delphine Jubillar, must remain in jail, because according to justice, “investigations are still to be carried out”. His lawyer explains that Cédric Jubillar is “disappointed, but not defeated”.

Diesel goes above 2 euros per liter after gasoline suffered the same fate. It is a very important and symbolic bar. Today, the price of diesel per liter is 2.0694 euros. A raise 11 cents compared to the previous week.

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