Cédric Jubillar manhandled in prison: this dangerous prisoner who took him under his wing…

Indicted for “spouse homicide” at Toulouse-Seysses prison since June 18, 2021, Cédric Jubillar met Marco there, a 36-year-old detainee of Corsican origin with a heavy judicial past. According to The Parisian, the man was also placed in solitary confinement and occupied cell 9, next to number 10 where the 34-year-old painter and plasterer is currently imprisoned. The two men quickly chatted, through the walls of the prison, and even became friends.

I started talking with Cedric more and more. He ended up trusting me because I defended him in front of everyone. The other inmates insulted him or made fun of him. I ended up speaking up and telling them to calm down.” confided Marco. The husband of Delphine Jubillar would have been “impressed” in the past of Marco, who had already spent almost ten years in prison and was considered to be a particularly guarded prisoner. Moreover, according to The Parisian, he was the only one to be handcuffed during his travels.

Questioned by the investigators, Marco had also revealed other secrets of Cédric concerning the Albi nurse, who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 in Cagnac-Les-Mines. Cédric would have confided to him that he killed his wife and buried her near “of a farm that burned down“. Louis and Elyah’s dad would now be very worried that his wife’s corpse has become visible over time and would have asked Marco to move her body to the Montauban region (where the lover of his wife) with the help of his new girlfriend Séverine, also, according to Marco, in the confidence of the whereabouts of Delphine’s body.

Following these revelations, Séverine was arrested on December 15, 2021 by investigators for “concealment of a corpse”. Less than 48 hours after his arrest, Cédric’s new girlfriend was nevertheless released, for lack of evidence.

Asked about his motives, Marco said he wanted justice to provide answers to the children of the Jubillar couple. “Marco swears that he has nothing to gain by denouncing Cédric: he was going to be released imminently anyway.” precise The Parisian.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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