Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers announced Wednesday that they would appeal this dismissal.
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Cédric Jubillar is being referred to court for the murder of his wife Delphine, missing since December 16, 2020, the Toulouse public prosecutor’s office announced Tuesday, November 21.
“The indictment order has been issued. It is impossible at this time to indicate when the date for this case will be set,” declared the public prosecutor of the Toulouse Court of Appeal, Franck Rastoul. The trial will take place before the Tarn Assize Court in Albi, where specific arrangements will be required to accommodate such a trial.
On Wednesday, Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers announced that they were going to appeal of the referral of their client to the Tarn Assize Court.
In this case without a body, no confession, no witness, no crime scene, the house painter, now aged 36 and incarcerated since June 2021, denies any responsibility. The file was opened following the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in the middle of a curfew linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the time, the couple, who have two children, were divorcing.
The disappearance of the nurse caused a significant stir in France, shortly after the conviction of Jonathann Daval for the murder of his wife in Haute-Saône, which he had long denied while playing the role of the grieving husband.