Cédric Jubillar: His new companion tells about their married life … and their nights!

Incarcerated since June 18, 2021 at Seysses prison, located in Toulouse, Cédric Jubillar claims his innocence in the Delphine Jubillar case. An opinion also shared by his new companion, Séverine, 44 years old. During a recent interview with our colleagues from Parisian, on June 18, 2021, the latter confided in her romance with the father of the family, but also on their relationship.

While Delphine Jubillar had met her lover on an application, this was obviously not the case for Cédric Jubillar with his new companion, a caregiver 11 years his senior. “Around mid-April, we had dinner together and our story began. I got attached to him and he got attached to mei “, she confided. After living by her side for several months, Séverine then revealed several details about her married life with the father of the family. According to his statements, Cédric Jubillar also had busy days.

As soon as I wake up at six in the morning, he began to do the dishes and housework. He’s a neat freak (…) Then he would go to work“, she indicated, mentioning in particular the interest of the father of the family for the duties of his son as well as his rhythm of sleep:”He fell asleep two minutes after going to bed, would snore and sleep until the next morning. I was in awe of his ability to fall asleep on command. All he had to do was lie on the floor. “

Convinced by the innocence of her companion, Séverine regularly praised her companion in the press. During an interview with Paris Match, last June, she painted there a portrait of a father “touching and adorable“that she will support”till the end of the world“. And to add, about his move into the family home:”He wanted to make a room for my son. So that we all settle under the same roof. Me, I admit, it seemed difficult to settle down permanently in this house where Delphine had lived.. “

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused until the final judgment of this case.

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