Cédric Herrou released for qualifying Eric Ciotti in a tweet as “the biggest French pig”

In 2018, in the midst of a debate on the reception of the Aquarius ship and its 630 migrants, Cédric Herrou had drawn hard. While Eric Ciotti had expressed understanding of Italy’s refusal to welcome the boat, the Roya activist then published a virulent tweet: “«_I found the biggest French pig that welcomes all the misery in the world!! @ECiotti world champion!!!__” _ A legal battle then followed which resulted in the total release of the Roya activist by the Grasse court. In 2020, the Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence, on the other hand, confirmed the release for defamation but had condemned him for insult.Today, 4 years after the facts, Cédric Herrou sees his condemnation completely annulled.The Court of Cassation, which had seized Eric Ciotti, estimated that although outrageous, the remark had been held in a satirical context playing on the spelling of “port” and “pig” and that in addition everything was linked to the debate on migration policy.

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