Cécile (Married at first sight) deemed vulgar at a party: her cash response to “jealous”

The lives of reality TV candidates are scrutinized. Some Internet users do not hesitate to say when some of their behavior displeases them. Cécile, revealed in Married at first sight 2021paid the price on July 5, 2022 and was quick to respond.

Last Tuesday, the 42-year-old brunette beauty went out for the evening. For the occasion, she was dressed in a tight and sexy black dress. A little later, his daughter Anissa (19) joined him with his companion Melvin. An event that Cécile filmed in an Instagram story. And very quickly, some of her subscribers allowed themselves to make derogatory comments to her about her outfit or the fact that she was dating her daughter. On July 6, the former wife of Alain therefore took to his Instagram account to respond.

I got messages, I know three quarters is jealousy and I don’t give a damn, saying ‘you take yourself for a young girl’ or ‘you have the chest in the air it’s vulgar’. Already I don’t know you so I don’t need lessons from anyone. Secondly, if you want to go into 42-year-old boxes, work, come home in the evening to find Robert on the sofa with his hand in his pants asking what you’re going to eat, that’s your problem. It’s not my life, it’s not my choices or my way of seeing things. (…) Who are you to judge?Cécile was indignant at first.

And for those who criticize her relationship with her daughter, Cécile recalled that they have “been through very difficult things and painful for them. They therefore need to allow themselves moments of complicity, “a bit of peace and above all delusions“.”Yes when I go out, my daughter joins me because we want to have a good time together. We both have a drink, we laugh, we dance. Even though I think you’re bad about yourself, leave the happy people alone. And concerning my breasts and my cleavage yesterday: given the price I paid for my breasts, I want to show them. There was nothing, it was a beautiful neckline. I love it and I will do it again. Your opinions I don’t give a damn about steaks. Stop being jealous and appease your heart“, she concluded.

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