Cécile de France in the shadow of Balzac in “Lost Illusions”

Honoré de Balzac, fierce pen of manners of his society in the first half of the 19th centuryand century, regained favor in France. And this, thanks to the sumptuous adaptation of his novel-river lost illusions by Xavier Giannoli at the cinema. The film comes first in the César nominations, including one for the equivocal character of Nathan, played by Xavier Dolan, who also provides the narration. The filmmaker mainly focused on the second part of the novel: A great man from the Province in Parismore dynamic and caustic than the other two tracks.

Between the perfect cynicism of some, especially the devious journalists, and the angelic kindness of loving women (a courtesan with a big heart, among others), place the destiny of the poet Lucien de Rubempré, handsome, weak, innocent and soon to be an upstart. The young man first stands out in his town of Angoulême, adored by Louise de Bargeton who protects him, puts him in her bed before denying him in Paris. The lady is played by Cécile de France (also nominated for the César), with the nuances called for by the complexity of the role.

The Belgian actress had played under the direction of Xavier Giannoli alongside Gérard Depardieu a character of subtlety and enigma in 2006 in the powerful When I was a singer.“Xavier is the greatest, she says, a passionate man. This accomplished cinephile made me discover all the films of Tarkovski and Bergman at the age of 30. Thanks to him, I was able to get good roles. Our bond is very strong. He taught me the importance of beauty and grace. The characters he offers me are attractive by their theatrical and romantic side more than romantic. »

If Giannoli sacrificed luminous secondary figures of students in lost illusions, he nevertheless humanized the female character by offering his provincial aristocrat real sensitivity. “In the book, Louise is tougher and calculating,” says her interpreter. It’s interesting to see the difference. Xavier Giannoli has read this author since his youth. At 19, he already dreamed of bringing it to the screen. He makes his cinema and gives food for thought on capitalist society, which runs on the lure of gain, on the race for profit. It’s not better today, apart from the evolution of the status of women. This world where everyone plays a role, this quest for appearance is as much alive as yesterday. Balzac’s view of his time was critical and cynical. »

Xavier is the greatest, a passionate man. This accomplished cinephile made me discover all the films of Tarkovski and Bergman at the age of 30. Thanks to him, I was able to get good roles.

She rightly sees the modernity of the author oflost illusions, particularly through his pinpricks to second-rate newspapers. “Social media, with fake news, can today destroy a cause. The false polemics, the outpouring of cruelty thus play the same role as the newspapers whose morals he denounced. Balzac had been a journalist. Xavier Giannoli’s father as well. Which helped him put the two eras in perspective to denounce corruption, deceit, games of influence. »

Cécile de France loves her character. “Louise takes risks by protecting a young commoner poet. Dependent on her husband, this woman leads an uninteresting existence and immerses herself in literature. She feels a sincere love for Lucien, whereas, in the novel, it is she who inspires him with this thirst for glory. In Paris, Louise feels torn about having to choose between her feelings and her desire for social advancement. This love becomes impossible. Balzac had made her malevolent, vengeful, manipulative. Xavier is more sentimental. He saves Louise, who becomes part of the system, while showing Lucien de Rubempré weak and pretentious; a figure more fascinating than mine…”

The actress loved working with Benjamin Voisin as a handsome upstart under her skirts. “His role required a breath that combined the freshness of youth with impulsive acting. He’s a great actor, and I believe in him. I also found Xavier Dolan wonderful, very involved in his eccentric and ambitious character, who manages to position himself in society. We were happy on this set with all these beautiful costumes and magnificent sets. »

The interpreter of miss of Joncquieres starred in several period films. She loves these dives into the past while finding the costumes restrictive. “They cause a lot of discomfort. I’m happy then to take off my corset. »

Lost Illusions opens in Quebec on February 25.

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