Cécile Chaduteau severely reframes Julien during debriefing

Tensions are palpable within the walls of the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys. If Djebril seems to have become discouraged in recent days, Julien is also encountering his share of problems. This Sunday, December 17, 2023, the young man was particularly insolent towards Cécile Chaduteau during the debriefing of the prime de la
Star Academy .

Friday December 16, the student performed A long time by Amir Haddad. A performance which clearly did not convince the stage expression teacher who highlighted the rigidity of the candidate’s right hand. Annoyed, the latter did not fail to respond to his teacher. “Let me enjoy it”he said before being rebuffed by the main interested party.

Also see: Julien (Star Academy): his sister threatens to file a complaint, this behavior which does not go away

“A little valve”

Surprised by Julien’s reaction, Cécile Chaduteau first threatened to summon him to her office. If she chose humor to reframe the budding artist, she did not hesitate to highlight her insolence. “I apologize, it was a small mistake”, he defended himself. And the professor adds: “You apologize right away, we’ll get there but we’re here to help you move forward, you haven’t arrived, no one has arrived, so listen to what we have to say to you, and here is this hand “She’s no use to you, I said to myself, but what’s he doing, she’s no use to you.”

Upset, Julien preferred to remain silent. Subsequently, the handsome brunette spoke about the absence of his girlfriend during the prime. “I thought of another thing: I was convinced that they had brought my girlfriend back, because there were her parents. Next to me, there was an empty seat.” Is there water in the gas? To be continued…


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