CBD sellers relieved after the suspension of the ban on the marketing of hemp flowers


France 2

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The Council of State has temporarily suspended the government’s ban on the sale of CBD leaf. However, the debate is far from over.

The ban lasted three weeks. In CBD shops, hemp flowers and leaves are back on the shelves after the Council of State temporarily suspended the government decree that prohibited their marketing. For the institution, this ban was disproportionate. Below 0.3% of THC, the psychotropic molecule of cannabis, CBD is devoid of narcotic properties.

This decision is a relief for the managers. “The flower represents 70% of turnover. If there are no more flowers, there is not too much point in leaving a store open“, believes Jonathan, seller. However, some doctors warn about the risks associated with this consumption. “I don’t find it healthy that we use products, and that we find so much happiness with products“, judge Michel Lejoyeux, head of the psychiatry and addictology department at Bichat hospital in Paris.


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